How to Create Commercial Buildings that Attract and Retain Occupancy
What Keeps You Up at Night?
The world keeps changing, and the commercial real estate (CRE) industry has been forced to adapt several times over in such a short period of time. Just when you think you’ve got one thing figured out, something else changes. One thing’s for sure: The workplace has changed forever. There’s no going back to the way things were before the pandemic.
That means commercial property teams need to compete in new ways. Today, the focus has shifted to competing on the tenant experience.
But property owners and operators face three main bottlenecks when it comes to the tenant experience:

You’re uncertain about the value of amenities.
You see other CRE companies investing big in amenities, but you’re not completely sure that’s money well spent – especially as you remain uncertain whether the industry will ever see a true return to the office. And you don’t want to make the wrong investments.
Sound like a main concern for you? Head over to Chapter 1, “The Value of Amenities: Make Buildings a Place Tenants Want to Return” to learn more.

You’re unsure how to attract and retain quality tenants.
What tenants want and need is shifting, but is your team adapting quickly enough? You’re not completely sure because you don’t have the data that answers the question. Or maybe you’re not completely connected to your tenants to know with 100% certainty.
If this sounds like a major challenge for you, check out Chapter 2, “Tenant Attraction and Retention: Focus on Satisfaction and Building Relationships” for your playbook.

You’re having trouble building your brand’s awareness and tenant loyalty.
You know tenant loyalty is key to driving higher occupancy and higher rents, but you’re not sure the exact steps to take to build up your brand.
Does that sound like a conversation you’re having with your team? Learn key solutions in Chapter 3, “Increasing Market Awareness: Differentiate Your Brand to Build Loyalty.”

You’re uncertain about the value of amenities.
You see other CRE companies investing big in amenities, but you’re not completely sure that’s money well spent – especially as you remain uncertain whether the industry will ever see a true return to the office. And you don’t want to make the wrong investments.
Sound like a main concern for you? Head over to Chapter 1, “The Value of Amenities: Make Buildings a Place Tenants Want to Return” to learn more.

You’re unsure how to attract and retain quality tenants.
What tenants want and need is shifting, but is your team adapting quickly enough? You’re not completely sure because you don’t have the data that answers the question. Or maybe you’re not completely connected to your tenants to know with 100% certainty.
If this sounds like a major challenge for you, check out Chapter 2, “Tenant Attraction and Retention: Focus on Satisfaction and Building Relationships” for your playbook.

You’re having trouble building your brand’s awareness and tenant loyalty.
You know tenant loyalty is key to driving higher occupancy and higher rents, but you’re not sure the exact steps to take to build up your brand.
Does that sound like a conversation you’re having with your team? Learn key solutions in Chapter 3, “Increasing Market Awareness: Differentiate Your Brand to Build Loyalty.”
This eBook is for commercial property teams who want to stay ahead of the competition in a landscape that constantly changes. Explore this interactive eBook for solutions to the above concerns and learn how you can compete on providing the best workplace and tenant experience.