Expired COI status
Easily identify expired certificates in the Insurance module. Expired certificates will now correctly appear with the status "Expired" instead of being labeled as "Non-Compliant" after the end date has passed.

Automatically deactivated accounts in myCOI
Accounts that are deactivated in Prism will now be automatically deactivated in myCOI through API integration, eliminating the need for manual reporting.
New company registration workflow for myCOI
Easily add companies to myCOI insurance tracking in an improved workflow that captures insurance contacts and requirements.

Associate a tenant company to the vendor
Users can associate vendors with the tenant companies they provide services for in My Companies. When creating an insurance certificate for a vendor, you can tie the tenant companies to ensure compliance when the vendor provides service to the tenant.

Export company insurance by property
Easily assess company compliance through a new export from the My Companies grid. This export will show the compliance status of each company for the associated properties.

Export insurance by coverage type
A new export feature will be available from the Insurance Certificates grid. This export will allow users to review certificate details based on coverage types.

Work Orders on incidents
You can now add or view work order tasks to related Incident reports.