Resource Reservations invoice enhancements
Generate invoices for one or more reservation bookings Quickly generate invoices for one or more "past" reservations on the reservation grid.
Select the “check box” to the left of a past reservation(s), then select “Create Invoice” to generate an invoice for the selected reservation(s).

Invoice formatting
The Accounting settings for the property now impacts the format of the invoice for Work Orders and Resource Reservations.
Select "Record Type" in the property accounting settings within the "My Properties" module to group charges by either Work Order or Resource Reservation on invoices. You can also organize Work Order & Resource Reservation charges on invoices utilizing the available data points above.

Vendor invoice URL on payables batches
Payables batches is updated to include a Vendor Invoice Prism URL field.
Clicking this URL automatically downloads the file attached to the vendor invoice record for the specific work order. If no file is attached, the column will be blank. This feature allows your accounting team to access vendor invoice records with a single click, eliminating the need to search through individual work orders. For security, users must log into Prism to use these links.
To add this field to your payables batch template, search for it or select it from the field list on the left side of the batch template in Accounting Templates.

Vendor invoice number character limit
We’ve increased the vendor invoice limit to 25 characters and allow for numbers, letters, and special characters.