Bid/Vendor Management
Not to exceed (NTE) request increase
NTE Request increase – Vendors can now easily request an increase to the NTE (Not-to-exceed) limit on their assigned Work Orders directly within Prism. This updated process ensures a clear, efficient, and documented workflow between Property Management and the Vendor.
Please note:
- NTEs can be applied to any Work Order that is assigned to a Vendor or Vendor Company
- Vendors can accept or decline at NTE. With this new functionality, vendors can request an increase to the NTE limit
- Once a vendor requests an NTE increase, a property management organization user will need to approve the request
Vendor Assignee view: Review work orders and accept, decline, or request an increase to NTE.
Property management organization (PMO) view: Accept or Decline the NTE increase request
Check out this video tutorial on NTE Request increase.
Vendor invoice approvals
NTE Request increase – Property Teams can set up flexible workflows for hassle-free invoice approvals. Now, you can effortlessly set up flexible workflows to acquire approval from one or more stakeholders whenever invoices are submitted. Invoice approvals have configurable options available by property and by invoice threshold.
Steps to configure Invoice Approval workflows:
- Ensure that the property permissions are toggled on. Access the Permissions grid, located under the "Accounting" tab, to find the required permissions.
- Go to "Notifications & Roles" and set up the notification roles for the required Approval Tiers specific to your property.
- Navigate to the property and go to "Contacts." Apply the notification roles to the respective individuals/contacts who need to receive invoice approval notifications.
- Navigate to the Accounting grid, and select the “Approval Settings” tab. Here, you can create a new approval configuration (+ Add Configuration), entering invoice thresholds and the appropriate approval tier.
Check out this video tutorial on Vendor invoice approvals.